Source code for netjsonconfig.backends.openwrt.openwrt

import gzip
import json
import re
import tarfile
from copy import deepcopy
from io import BytesIO

import six
from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader
from jsonschema import validate
from jsonschema.exceptions import ValidationError as JsonSchemaError

from . import renderers
from ...exceptions import ValidationError
from ...utils import evaluate_vars, merge_config, var_pattern
from .schema import DEFAULT_FILE_MODE, schema

class OpenWrt(object):
    """ OpenWrt Backend """
    schema = schema
    renderers = [
    FILE_SECTION_DELIMITER = '# ---------- files ---------- #'
    PACKAGE_EXP = re.compile('package ')

[docs] def __init__(self, config, templates=[], context={}): """ :param config: ``dict`` containing valid **NetJSON DeviceConfiguration** :param templates: ``list`` containing **NetJSON** dictionaries that will be used as a base for the main config, defaults to empty list :param context: ``dict`` containing configuration variables :raises TypeError: raised if ``config`` is not of type ``dict`` or if ``templates`` is not of type ``list`` """ # perform deepcopy to avoid modifying the original config argument config = deepcopy(self._load(config)) # allow omitting NetJSON type if 'type' not in config: config.update({'type': 'DeviceConfiguration'}) self.config = self._merge_config(config, templates) self.config = self._evaluate_vars(self.config, context) self.env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('netjsonconfig.backends.openwrt', 'templates'), trim_blocks=True)
def _load(self, config): """ loads config from string or dict """ if isinstance(config, six.string_types): try: config = json.loads(config) except ValueError: pass if not isinstance(config, dict): raise TypeError('config block must be an istance ' 'of dict or a valid NetJSON string') return config def _merge_config(self, config, templates): """ merges config with templates """ # type check if not isinstance(templates, list): raise TypeError('templates argument must be an instance of list') # merge any present template with main configuration base_config = {} for template in templates: template = self._load(template) base_config = merge_config(base_config, template) if base_config: return merge_config(base_config, config) return config def _evaluate_vars(self, config, context): """ evaluates configuration variables """ # return immediately if context is empty if not context: return config # return immediately if no variables are found netjson = self.json(validate=False) if is None: return config # only if variables are found perform evaluation return evaluate_vars(config, context)
[docs] def render(self, files=True): """ Converts the configuration dictionary into the native OpenWRT UCI format. :param files: whether to include "additional files" in the output or not; defaults to ``True`` :returns: string with output """ self.validate() output = '' # render config for renderer_class in self.renderers: renderer = renderer_class(self) additional_output = renderer.render() # add an additional new line # to separate blocks if output and additional_output: output += '\n' output += additional_output if files: # render files files_output = self._render_files() if files_output: output += files_output.replace('\n\n\n', '\n\n') # max 3 \n return output
def _render_files(self): """ Renders additional files specified in ``self.config['files']`` """ output = '' # render files files = self.config.get('files', []) # add delimiter if files: output += '\n{0}\n\n'.format(self.FILE_SECTION_DELIMITER) for f in files: mode = f.get('mode', DEFAULT_FILE_MODE) # add file to output file_output = '# path: {0}\n'\ '# mode: {1}\n\n'\ '{2}\n\n'.format(f['path'], mode, f['contents']) output += file_output return output def validate(self): try: validate(self.config, self.schema) except JsonSchemaError as e: raise ValidationError(e)
[docs] def json(self, validate=True, *args, **kwargs): """ returns a string formatted in **NetJSON**; performs validation before returning output; ``*args`` and ``*kwargs`` will be passed to ``json.dumps``; :returns: string """ if validate: self.validate() return json.dumps(self.config, *args, **kwargs)
@classmethod def get_packages(cls): return [r.get_package() for r in cls.renderers]
[docs] def generate(self): """ Returns a ``BytesIO`` instance representing an in-memory tar.gz archive containing the native router configuration. The archive can be installed in OpenWRT with the following command: ``sysupgrade -r <archive>`` :returns: in-memory tar.gz archive, instance of ``BytesIO`` """ tar_bytes = BytesIO() tar =, mode='w') self._generate_contents(tar) self._process_files(tar) tar.close() # set pointer to beginning of stream # `mtime` parameter of gzip file must be 0, otherwise any checksum operation # would return a different digest even when content is the same. # to achieve this we must use the python `gzip` library because the `tarfile` # library does not seem to offer the possibility to modify the gzip `mtime`. gzip_bytes = BytesIO() gz = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=gzip_bytes, mode='wb', mtime=0) gz.write(tar_bytes.getvalue()) gz.close() # set pointer to beginning of stream return gzip_bytes
def _generate_contents(self, tar): """ Adds configuration files to tarfile instance. :param tar: tarfile instance :returns: None """ uci = self.render(files=False) # create a list with all the packages (and remove empty entries) packages = self.PACKAGE_EXP.split(uci) if '' in packages: packages.remove('') # for each package create a file with its contents in /etc/config for package in packages: lines = package.split('\n') package_name = lines[0] text_contents = '\n'.join(lines[2:]) self._add_file(tar=tar, name='etc/config/{0}'.format(package_name), contents=text_contents)
[docs] def write(self, name, path='./'): """ Like ``generate`` but writes to disk. :param name: file name, the tar.gz extension will be added automatically :param path: directory where the file will be written to, defaults to ``./`` :returns: None """ byte_object = self.generate() file_name = '{0}.tar.gz'.format(name) if not path.endswith('/'): path += '/' f = open('{0}{1}'.format(path, file_name), 'wb') f.write(byte_object.getvalue()) f.close()
def _process_files(self, tar): """ Adds files specified in self.config['files'] to tarfile instance. :param tar: tarfile instance :returns: None """ # insert additional files for file_item in self.config.get('files', []): path = file_item['path'] # remove leading slashes from path if path.startswith('/'): path = path[1:] self._add_file(tar=tar, name=path, contents=file_item['contents'], mode=file_item.get('mode', DEFAULT_FILE_MODE)) def _add_file(self, tar, name, contents, mode=DEFAULT_FILE_MODE): """ Adds a single file in tarfile instance. :param tar: tarfile instance :param name: string representing filename or path :param contents: string representing file contents :param mode: string representing file mode, defaults to 644 :returns: None """ byte_contents = BytesIO(contents.encode('utf8')) info = tarfile.TarInfo(name=name) info.size = len(contents) # mtime must be 0 or any checksum operation # will return a different digest even when content is the same info.mtime = 0 info.type = tarfile.REGTYPE info.mode = int(mode, 8) # permissions converted to decimal notation tar.addfile(tarinfo=info, fileobj=byte_contents)