Source code for netjsonconfig.backends.base.backend

import gzip
import ipaddress
import json
import tarfile
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
from io import BytesIO

from jsonschema import Draft4Validator, draft4_format_checker
from jsonschema.exceptions import ValidationError as JsonSchemaError

from ...exceptions import ValidationError
from ...schema import DEFAULT_FILE_MODE
from ...utils import evaluate_vars, merge_config

class BaseBackend(object):
    Base Backend class

    schema = None
    FILE_SECTION_DELIMITER = '# ---------- files ---------- #'
    list_identifiers = []

    def __init__(self, config=None, native=None, templates=None, context=None):
        :param config: ``dict`` containing a valid **NetJSON** configuration dictionary
        :param native: ``str`` or file object representing a native configuration that will
                       be parsed and converted to a **NetJSON** configuration dictionary
        :param templates: ``list`` containing **NetJSON** configuration dictionaries that
                          will be used as a base for the main config
        :param context: ``dict`` containing configuration variables
        :raises TypeError: raised if ``config`` is not of type ``dict`` or if
                           ``templates`` is not of type ``list``
        # initialize empty instance attributes
        self.config = None
        self.intermediate_data = None
        # forward conversion (NetJSON > native configuration)
        if config is not None:
            # perform deepcopy to avoid modifying the original config argument
            config = deepcopy(self._load(config))
            self.config = self._merge_config(config, templates)
            self.config = self._evaluate_vars(self.config, context)
        # backward conversion (native configuration > NetJSON)
        elif native is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                'Expecting either config or native argument to be '
                'passed during the initialization of the backend'

    def _load(self, config):
        Loads config from string or dict
        if isinstance(config, str):
                config = json.loads(config)
            except ValueError:
        if not isinstance(config, dict):
            raise TypeError(
                'config block must be an instance of dict or a valid NetJSON string'
        return config

    def _merge_config(self, config, templates):
        Merges config with templates
        if not templates:
            return config
        # type check
        if not isinstance(templates, list):
            raise TypeError('templates argument must be an instance of list')
        # merge templates with main configuration
        result = {}
        config_list = templates + [config]
        for merging in config_list:
            result = merge_config(result, self._load(merging), self.list_identifiers)
        return result

    def _evaluate_vars(self, config, context):
        Evaluates configuration variables
        # return immediately if context is empty
        if not context:
            return config
        # only if variables are found perform evaluation
        return evaluate_vars(config, context)

    def _render_files(self):
        Renders additional files specified in ``self.config['files']``
        output = ''
        # render files
        files = self.config.get('files', [])
        # add delimiter
        if files:
            output += '\n{0}\n\n'.format(self.FILE_SECTION_DELIMITER)
        for f in files:
            mode = f.get('mode', DEFAULT_FILE_MODE)
            # add file to output
            file_output = (
                '# path: {0}\n'
                '# mode: {1}\n\n'
                '{2}\n\n'.format(f['path'], mode, f['contents'])
            output += file_output
        return output

    def _deduplicate_files(self):
        files = self.config.get('files', [])
        if not files:
        files_dict = OrderedDict()
        for file in files:
            files_dict[file['path']] = file
        self.config['files'] = list(files_dict.values())

    @draft4_format_checker.checks('cidr', AssertionError)
    def _cidr_notation(value):
        except ValueError as e:
            assert False, str(e)
        return True

    def validate(self):
            Draft4Validator(self.schema, format_checker=draft4_format_checker).validate(
        except JsonSchemaError as e:
            raise ValidationError(e)

    def render(self, files=True):
        Converts the configuration dictionary into the corresponding configuration format

        :param files: whether to include "additional files" in the output or not;
                      defaults to ``True``
        :returns: string with output
        # convert NetJSON config to intermediate data structure
        if self.intermediate_data is None:
        # support multiple renderers
        renderers = getattr(self, 'renderers', None) or [self.renderer]
        # convert intermediate data structure to native configuration
        output = ''
        for renderer_class in renderers:
            renderer = renderer_class(self)
            output += renderer.render()
            # remove reference to renderer instance (not needed anymore)
            del renderer
        # are we required to include
        # additional files?
        if files:
            # render additional files
            files_output = self._render_files()
            if files_output:
                # max 2 new lines
                output += files_output.replace('\n\n\n', '\n\n')
        # return the configuration
        return output

    def json(self, validate=True, *args, **kwargs):
        returns a string formatted as **NetJSON DeviceConfiguration**;
        performs validation before returning output;

        ``*args`` and ``*kwargs`` will be passed to ``json.dumps``;

        :returns: string
        if validate:
        # automatically adds NetJSON type
        config = deepcopy(self.config)
        config.update({'type': 'DeviceConfiguration'})
        return json.dumps(config, *args, **kwargs)

    def generate(self):
        Returns a ``BytesIO`` instance representing an in-memory tar.gz archive
        containing the native router configuration.

        :returns: in-memory tar.gz archive, instance of ``BytesIO``
        tar_bytes = BytesIO()
        tar =, mode='w')
        tar.close()  # set pointer to beginning of stream
        # `mtime` parameter of gzip file must be 0, otherwise any checksum operation
        # would return a different digest even when content is the same.
        # to achieve this we must use the python `gzip` library because the `tarfile`
        # library does not seem to offer the possibility to modify the gzip `mtime`.
        gzip_bytes = BytesIO()
        gz = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=gzip_bytes, mode='wb', mtime=0)
        gz.close()  # set pointer to beginning of stream
        return gzip_bytes

    def _generate_contents(self, tar):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def write(self, name, path='./'):
        Like ``generate`` but writes to disk.

        :param name: file name, the tar.gz extension will be added automatically
        :param path: directory where the file will be written to, defaults to ``./``
        :returns: None
        byte_object = self.generate()
        file_name = '{0}.tar.gz'.format(name)
        if not path.endswith('/'):
            path += '/'
        f = open('{0}{1}'.format(path, file_name), 'wb')

    def _process_files(self, tar):
        Adds files specified in self.config['files'] to tarfile instance.

        :param tar: tarfile instance
        :returns: None
        # insert additional files
        for file_item in self.config.get('files', []):
            path = file_item['path']
            # remove leading slashes from path
            if path.startswith('/'):
                path = path[1:]
                mode=file_item.get('mode', DEFAULT_FILE_MODE),

    def _add_file(self, tar, name, contents, mode=DEFAULT_FILE_MODE):
        Adds a single file in tarfile instance.

        :param tar: tarfile instance
        :param name: string representing filename or path
        :param contents: string representing file contents
        :param mode: string representing file mode, defaults to 644
        :returns: None
        byte_contents = BytesIO(contents.encode('utf8'))
        info = tarfile.TarInfo(name=name)
        info.size = len(contents)
        # mtime must be 0 or any checksum operation
        # will return a different digest even when content is the same
        info.mtime = 0
        info.type = tarfile.REGTYPE
        info.mode = int(mode, 8)  # permissions converted to decimal notation
        tar.addfile(tarinfo=info, fileobj=byte_contents)

    def to_intermediate(self):
        Converts the NetJSON configuration dictionary (self.config)
        to the intermediate data structure (self.intermediate_data) that will
        be then used by the renderer class to generate the router configuration
        self.intermediate_data = OrderedDict()
        for converter_class in self.converters:
            # skip unnecessary loop cycles
            if not converter_class.should_run_forward(self.config):
            converter = converter_class(self)
            value = converter.to_intermediate()
            # maintain backward compatibility with backends
            # that are currently in development by GSoC students
            # TODO for >= 0.6.2: remove once all backends have upgraded
            if value and isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):  # pragma: nocover
                value = OrderedDict(value)
            if value:
                self.intermediate_data = merge_config(
                    self.intermediate_data, value, list_identifiers=['.name']

    def parse(self, native):
        Parses a native configuration and converts
        it to a NetJSON configuration dictionary
        if not hasattr(self, 'parser') or not self.parser:
            raise NotImplementedError('Parser class not specified')
        parser = self.parser(native)
        self.intermediate_data = parser.intermediate_data
        del parser

    def to_netjson(self):
        Converts the intermediate data structure (self.intermediate_data)
        to the NetJSON configuration dictionary (self.config)
        self.config = OrderedDict()
        for converter_class in self.converters:
            if not converter_class.should_run_backward(self.intermediate_data):
            converter = converter_class(self)
            value = converter.to_netjson()
            if value:
                self.config = merge_config(
                    self.config, value, list_identifiers=self.list_identifiers

    def __backup_intermediate_data(self):
        self._intermediate_copy = deepcopy(self.intermediate_data)

    def __restore_intermediate_data(self):
        del self.intermediate_data
        self.intermediate_data = self._intermediate_copy
        del self._intermediate_copy