Source code for netjsonconfig.backends.base.backend

import gzip
import ipaddress
import json
import re
import tarfile
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
from io import BytesIO

from jsonschema import Draft4Validator, draft4_format_checker
from jsonschema.exceptions import ValidationError as JsonSchemaError

from ...exceptions import ValidationError
from ...schema import DEFAULT_FILE_MODE
from ...utils import evaluate_vars, merge_config

_host_name_re = re.compile(r"^[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\.\-]{1,255}$")

class BaseBackend(object):
    Base Backend class

    schema = None
    FILE_SECTION_DELIMITER = '# ---------- files ---------- #'
    list_identifiers = []

    def __init__(self, config=None, native=None, templates=None, context=None):
        :param config: ``dict`` containing a valid **NetJSON** configuration dictionary
        :param native: ``str`` or file object representing a native configuration that will
                       be parsed and converted to a **NetJSON** configuration dictionary
        :param templates: ``list`` containing **NetJSON** configuration dictionaries that
                          will be used as a base for the main config
        :param context: ``dict`` containing configuration variables
        :raises TypeError: raised if ``config`` is not of type ``dict`` or if
                           ``templates`` is not of type ``list``
        # initialize empty instance attributes
        self.config = None
        self.intermediate_data = None
        # forward conversion (NetJSON > native configuration)
        if config is not None:
            # perform deepcopy to avoid modifying the original config argument
            config = deepcopy(self._load(config))
            self.config = self._merge_config(config, templates)
            self.config = self._evaluate_vars(self.config, context)
        # backward conversion (native configuration > NetJSON)
        elif native is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                'Expecting either config or native argument to be '
                'passed during the initialization of the backend'

    def _load(self, config):
        Loads config from string or dict
        if isinstance(config, str):
                config = json.loads(config)
            except ValueError:
        if not isinstance(config, dict):
            raise TypeError(
                'config block must be an instance of dict or a valid NetJSON string'
        return config

    def _merge_config(self, config, templates):
        Merges config with templates
        if not templates:
            return config
        # type check
        if not isinstance(templates, list):
            raise TypeError('templates argument must be an instance of list')
        # merge templates with main configuration
        result = {}
        config_list = templates + [config]
        for merging in config_list:
            result = merge_config(result, self._load(merging), self.list_identifiers)
        return result

    def _evaluate_vars(self, config, context):
        Evaluates configuration variables
        # return immediately if context is empty
        if not context:
            return config
        # only if variables are found perform evaluation
        return evaluate_vars(config, context)

    def _render_files(self):
        Renders additional files specified in ``self.config['files']``
        output = ''
        # render files
        files = self.config.get('files', [])
        # add delimiter
        if files:
            output += '\n{0}\n\n'.format(self.FILE_SECTION_DELIMITER)
        for f in files:
            mode = f.get('mode', DEFAULT_FILE_MODE)
            # add file to output
            file_output = (
                '# path: {0}\n'
                '# mode: {1}\n\n'
                '{2}\n\n'.format(f['path'], mode, f['contents'])
            output += file_output
        return output

    def _deduplicate_files(self):
        files = self.config.get('files', [])
        if not files:
        files_dict = OrderedDict()
        for file in files:
            files_dict[file['path']] = file
        self.config['files'] = list(files_dict.values())

    @draft4_format_checker.checks('cidr', AssertionError)
    def _cidr_notation(value):
        except ValueError as e:
            assert False, str(e)
        return True

    @draft4_format_checker.checks('hostname', JsonSchemaError)
    def _is_hostname(value):
        The hostname validation has been taken from jsonschema~=3.2.0
        (jsonschema._format.is_host_name). The newer versions of
        jsonschema enforces FQDN validation which is not always
        required in OpenWISP. E.g. setting up hostname of a device.
        if not isinstance(value, str):
            return True
        if not _host_name_re.match(value):
            return False
        components = value.split(".")
        for component in components:
            if len(component) > 63:
                return False
        return True

    def validate(self):
            Draft4Validator(self.schema, format_checker=draft4_format_checker).validate(
        except JsonSchemaError as e:
            raise ValidationError(e)

    def render(self, files=True):
        Converts the configuration dictionary into the corresponding configuration format

        :param files: whether to include "additional files" in the output or not;
                      defaults to ``True``
        :returns: string with output
        # convert NetJSON config to intermediate data structure
        if self.intermediate_data is None:
        # support multiple renderers
        renderers = getattr(self, 'renderers', None) or [self.renderer]
        # convert intermediate data structure to native configuration
        output = ''
        for renderer_class in renderers:
            renderer = renderer_class(self)
            output += renderer.render()
            # remove reference to renderer instance (not needed anymore)
            del renderer
        # are we required to include
        # additional files?
        if files:
            # render additional files
            files_output = self._render_files()
            if files_output:
                # max 2 new lines
                output += files_output.replace('\n\n\n', '\n\n')
        # return the configuration
        return output

    def json(self, validate=True, *args, **kwargs):
        returns a string formatted as **NetJSON DeviceConfiguration**;
        performs validation before returning output;

        ``*args`` and ``*kwargs`` will be passed to ``json.dumps``;

        :returns: string
        if validate:
        # automatically adds NetJSON type
        config = deepcopy(self.config)
        config.update({'type': 'DeviceConfiguration'})
        return json.dumps(config, *args, **kwargs)

    def generate(self):
        Returns a ``BytesIO`` instance representing an in-memory tar.gz archive
        containing the native router configuration.

        :returns: in-memory tar.gz archive, instance of ``BytesIO``
        tar_bytes = BytesIO()
        tar =, mode='w')
        tar.close()  # set pointer to beginning of stream
        # `mtime` parameter of gzip file must be 0, otherwise any checksum operation
        # would return a different digest even when content is the same.
        # to achieve this we must use the python `gzip` library because the `tarfile`
        # library does not seem to offer the possibility to modify the gzip `mtime`.
        gzip_bytes = BytesIO()
        gz = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=gzip_bytes, mode='wb', mtime=0)
        gz.close()  # set pointer to beginning of stream
        return gzip_bytes

    def _generate_contents(self, tar):
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def write(self, name, path='./'):
        Like ``generate`` but writes to disk.

        :param name: file name, the tar.gz extension will be added automatically
        :param path: directory where the file will be written to, defaults to ``./``
        :returns: None
        byte_object = self.generate()
        file_name = '{0}.tar.gz'.format(name)
        if not path.endswith('/'):
            path += '/'
        f = open('{0}{1}'.format(path, file_name), 'wb')

    def _process_files(self, tar):
        Adds files specified in self.config['files'] to tarfile instance.

        :param tar: tarfile instance
        :returns: None
        # insert additional files
        for file_item in self.config.get('files', []):
            path = file_item['path']
            # remove leading slashes from path
            if path.startswith('/'):
                path = path[1:]
                mode=file_item.get('mode', DEFAULT_FILE_MODE),

    def _add_file(self, tar, name, contents, mode=DEFAULT_FILE_MODE):
        Adds a single file in tarfile instance.

        :param tar: tarfile instance
        :param name: string representing filename or path
        :param contents: string representing file contents
        :param mode: string representing file mode, defaults to 644
        :returns: None
        byte_contents = BytesIO(contents.encode('utf8'))
        info = tarfile.TarInfo(name=name)
        info.size = len(contents)
        # mtime must be 0 or any checksum operation
        # will return a different digest even when content is the same
        info.mtime = 0
        info.type = tarfile.REGTYPE
        info.mode = int(mode, 8)  # permissions converted to decimal notation
        tar.addfile(tarinfo=info, fileobj=byte_contents)

    def to_intermediate(self):
        Converts the NetJSON configuration dictionary (self.config)
        to the intermediate data structure (self.intermediate_data) that will
        be then used by the renderer class to generate the router configuration
        self.intermediate_data = OrderedDict()
        for converter_class in self.converters:
            # skip unnecessary loop cycles
            if not converter_class.should_run_forward(self.config):
            converter = converter_class(self)
            value = converter.to_intermediate()
            # maintain backward compatibility with backends
            # that are currently in development by GSoC students
            # TODO for >= 0.6.2: remove once all backends have upgraded
            if value and isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):  # pragma: nocover
                value = OrderedDict(value)
            if value:
                self.intermediate_data = merge_config(
                    self.intermediate_data, value, list_identifiers=['.name']

    def parse(self, native):
        Parses a native configuration and converts
        it to a NetJSON configuration dictionary
        if not hasattr(self, 'parser') or not self.parser:
            raise NotImplementedError('Parser class not specified')
        parser = self.parser(native)
        self.intermediate_data = parser.intermediate_data
        del parser

    def to_netjson(self):
        Converts the intermediate data structure (self.intermediate_data)
        to the NetJSON configuration dictionary (self.config)
        self.config = OrderedDict()
        for converter_class in self.converters:
            if not converter_class.should_run_backward(self.intermediate_data):
            converter = converter_class(self)
            value = converter.to_netjson()
            if value:
                self.config = merge_config(
                    self.config, value, list_identifiers=self.list_identifiers

    def __backup_intermediate_data(self):
        self._intermediate_copy = deepcopy(self.intermediate_data)

    def __restore_intermediate_data(self):
        del self.intermediate_data
        self.intermediate_data = self._intermediate_copy
        del self._intermediate_copy

class BaseVpnBackend(BaseBackend):
    Shared logic between VPN backends
    Requires setting the following attributes:

    - vpn_pattern
    - config_suffix

    def _generate_contents(self, tar):
        Adds configuration files to tarfile instance.

        :param tar: tarfile instance
        :returns: None
        text = self.render(files=False)
        # create a list with all the packages (and remove empty entries)
        vpn_instances = self.vpn_pattern.split(text)
        if '' in vpn_instances:
        # create a file for each VPN
        for vpn in vpn_instances:
            lines = vpn.split('\n')
            vpn_name = lines[0]
            text_contents = '\n'.join(lines[2:])
            # do not end with double new line
            if text_contents.endswith('\n\n'):
                text_contents = text_contents[0:-1]
                name='{0}{1}'.format(vpn_name, self.config_suffix),