import re
from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy
def merge_config(template, config, list_identifiers=None):
Merges ``config`` on top of ``template``.
Conflicting keys are handled in the following way:
* simple values (eg: ``str``, ``int``, ``float``, ecc) in ``config`` will
overwrite the ones in ``template``
* values of type ``list`` in both ``config`` and ``template`` will be
merged using to the ``merge_list`` function
* values of type ``dict`` will be merged recursively
:param template: template ``dict``
:param config: config ``dict``
:param list_identifiers: ``list`` or ``None``
:returns: merged ``dict``
result = deepcopy(template)
for key, value in config.items():
if isinstance(value, dict):
node = result.get(key, OrderedDict())
result[key] = merge_config(node, value)
elif isinstance(value, list) and isinstance(result.get(key), list):
result[key] = merge_list(result[key], value, list_identifiers)
result[key] = value
return result
def merge_list(list1, list2, identifiers=None):
Merges ``list2`` on top of ``list1``.
If both lists contain dictionaries which have keys specified
in ``identifiers`` which have equal values, those dicts will
be merged (dicts in ``list2`` will override dicts in ``list1``).
The remaining elements will be summed in order to create a list
which contains elements of both lists.
:param list1: ``list`` from template
:param list2: ``list`` from config
:param identifiers: ``list`` or ``None``
:returns: merged ``list``
identifiers = identifiers or []
dict_map = {'list1': OrderedDict(), 'list2': OrderedDict()}
counter = 1
for list_ in [list1, list2]:
container = dict_map['list{0}'.format(counter)]
for el in list_:
# merge by internal python id by default
key = id(el)
# Detect identical elements present in both lists
# avoid adding the duplicate to the result.
# This is needed because some templates may share
# one or multiple common files and these do not
# not have to be duplicated.
if counter == 2 and el in dict_map['list1'].values():
# if el is a dict, merge by keys specified in ``identifiers``
if isinstance(el, dict):
for id_key in identifiers:
if id_key in el:
key = el[id_key]
# if key is a list, convert it to tuple which is
# hashable and can be used as a dictionary key
if isinstance(key, list):
key = tuple(key)
container[key] = deepcopy(el)
counter += 1
merged = merge_config(dict_map['list1'], dict_map['list2'])
return list(merged.values())
def sorted_dict(dict_):
return OrderedDict(sorted(dict_.items()))
var_pattern = re.compile(r'\{\{\s*(\w*)\s*\}\}')
def evaluate_vars(data, context=None):
Evaluates variables in ``data``
:param data: data structure containing variables, may be
``str``, ``dict`` or ``list``
:param context: ``dict`` containing variables
:returns: modified data structure
context = context or {}
if isinstance(data, (dict, list)):
if isinstance(data, dict):
loop_items = data.items()
elif isinstance(data, list):
loop_items = enumerate(data)
for key, value in loop_items:
data[key] = evaluate_vars(value, context)
elif isinstance(data, str):
vars_found = var_pattern.findall(data)
for var in vars_found:
var = var.strip()
# if found multiple variables, create a new regexp pattern for each
# variable, otherwise different variables would get the same value
# (see
if len(vars_found) > 1:
pattern = r'\{\{(\s*%s\s*)\}\}' % var
# in case of single variables, use the precompiled
# regexp pattern to save computation
pattern = var_pattern
if var in context:
data = re.sub(pattern, str(context[var]), data)
return data
def get_copy(dict_, key, default=None):
Looks for a key in a dictionary, if found returns
a deepcopied value, otherwise returns default value
value = dict_.get(key, default)
if value:
return deepcopy(value)
return value
class _TabsMixin(object): # pragma: nocover
mixin that adds _tabs method to test classes
def _tabs(self, string):
replace 4 spaces with 1 tab
return string.replace(' ', '\t')